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Recruiter Relations

Tag: Recruiter Relations

Read all posts that are tagged with: Recruiter Relations

Apr 19, 2022

How to Respond to Recruiter Emails

When you contact a recruiter, you will likely receive an acknowledgement email. You may also get a response that asks you a question or two. The following tips will help you craft your answers to these follow-up emails so that your message stands out from all the others.


Feb 10, 2022

How to Reject a Recruiter Nicely

It's never easy to turn someone down, especially a recruiter! After all, you're looking to them to help you find a job. But what if you're not interested in the one they're offering? Here are some tips on how to handle that potentially awkward conversation so you don't end up in a job you don't want and maintain your relationship with your recruiter at the same time.

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