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What are the types of recruitment?

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Natalie Howard - 28 Nov, 2022

Head of CX

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What are the types of recruitment?


Recruitment is the process of finding suitable candidates to fill in vacancies at a company. Recruitment can be carried out either internally or externally, using direct or indirect methods. Recruiting for an organisation involves advertising job vacancies, screening and selecting applicants based on set criteria, arranging interviews and making hiring decisions.

Internal recruitment

Internal recruitment is when a company hires from within its own ranks. This can be used to fill any position, from junior to senior roles. It's a good way to promote from within and keep your culture intact—and if you're hiring at the executive level, it's also an excellent method of succession planning. After all, what better person than someone already working in the field?

External recruitment

External recruitment is when you go outside your company to hire.

This could include:

  • recruitment agencies that find people for you, and they get paid a fee per person they bring in. This can be expensive if you use more than one agency at once.
  • job boards like Monster where companies post their job listings so potential employees can apply for them directly through the site (no cost to employers).
  • social media, which includes posting jobs on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram (again no cost to employers).
  • employer branding strategies like hiring software developers who already have experience with the tech stack of your product or service.

Direct recruitment

Direct recruitment is when a company advertises a job vacancy and then shortlists candidates for interviews.

This type of recruitment is good for companies that are looking to hire people with specific skills, such as programmers or electricians. It’s also the best way to access a pool of talent that may not have been on your radar before.

For candidates, this kind of hiring process gives them more control over their career choices—they can apply directly with their CV rather than being filtered through an agency or recruiter.

Indirect recruitment

Indirect recruitment is when you use an agency to find candidates for you. This means that the candidate's application goes through the agency, who then sends you a shortlist of suitable candidates. You can then interview these candidates and choose the best one for your business.

The main advantage of this method is that it saves time and money, as agencies usually charge a fee, which can significantly reduce your workload if they do all of the legwork. Another advantage is that agencies often have connections with many different people in different industries, so they may be able to introduce you to a wider range of potential employees than what would otherwise be possible.

Recruitment is the process of finding suitable candidates to fill in vacancies at a company.

Recruitment is the process of finding suitable candidates to fill in vacancies at a company. The recruitment process may be internal or external. It may also be direct, indirect or a combination of both. Recruitment is used to fill permanent or temporary positions within an organisation.


Recruitment is a very important process in any company. It’s like a lifeline for the company and its growth. Recruitment helps to find potential candidates for the job, who can work together as a team and serve the customers better. If you are looking for internships or jobs, it’s essential that you know about all these types of recruitment before applying anywhere!

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