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What are the 7 stages of recruitment?

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Natalie Howard - 02 Nov, 2022

Head of CX

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What are the 7 stages of recruitment?

Job analysis

The first step of the recruitment process is job analysis. Job analysis is used to identify the knowledge, skills and abilities (KSAs) required for performing a particular role.

The main goal of job analysis is to determine what you’re looking for in potential candidates for an open position. For example, if you’re hiring someone as a marketing manager, you might want them to have experience managing budgets, leading teams and creating reports.

This will help with your next decision: defining the role that needs filling or creating a new one based on what you learned during your research phase (stage 2).


The first stage of recruitment is planning. Planning is an ongoing process that should be revisited as the organisation grows and changes. It involves creating a budget, setting timelines, and creating a recruitment strategy. Before jumping into hiring candidates through job advertisements or headhunting agencies, it’s important to assess whether your recruitment needs are being met by existing staff members in their roles.

  • Planning includes:
  • Creating a budget for hiring new employees
  • Setting timelines for hiring new employees based on business needs
  • Creating a recruitment strategy tailored to meet short-term and long-term business goals

Attracting applicants

Attracting applicants is the first step in the process and it can be done in a variety of ways. You should use job boards, social media and your network to help spread the word about your open positions. Your company website will also play an important role in attracting potential candidates by posting current job openings with detailed descriptions and qualifications.

You may also want to consider other methods of attracting applicants such as using your company newsletter or even sending out direct mailers with information about available jobs and how they can apply.

It's important not only to attract them but also engage them so that they become interested enough in the position that they want to apply for it!


Screening is the first stage of recruitment, and it's when you set aside candidates who don't meet your hiring requirements.

You can use a variety of techniques for screening candidates. Some of these include:

  • Conducting phone interviews with only those applicants who meet minimum qualifications
  • Narrowing down the number of applicants by reading resumes and cover letters and conducting an initial assessment based on that information


Interviews are another opportunity to get to know the candidate. They can be done in person or over the phone, and they can last anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour or more. Interviewing is a skill that takes practice, so if it's not something you're very good at, don't be afraid to ask coworkers for feedback!

The purpose of an interview is twofold: (1) To learn more about what makes this person tick; and (2) To evaluate whether or not they would make a good fit with your company culture.

Selecting the right candidate

The process of selecting the right candidate is a critical stage in your recruitment. It is important to have a process in place so that you can ensure you are selecting the right person for your team.

You must also take care when interviewing candidates and giving them tests, as these will determine whether or not they are able to do their job well once they are hired. It’s essential that all applicants go through an interview process before being offered the job—this helps ensure that only those who fit with your company culture get hired.

You should use a scoring system to evaluate candidates thoroughly, so that no one gets overlooked during this stage. In addition, it's important to ask yourself whether or not there are any better ways of finding out what kind of employee someone will be from their resume alone (for example: asking them questions about past projects).

Final steps

  • Conduct reference checks. Once the interview process is over and you've decided to extend an offer, it's time to make sure that the candidate's references are good.
  • Offer the job. This final step is pretty self-explanatory—you'll be offering a position in your company to the person who has impressed you most during their time as a candidate.
  • Make sure they accept it! You can't expect anyone who has been offered a job with some degree of uncertainty about whether or not they're going to take it (or if there will be another offer when this one falls through). It's best if both parties are clear about what their responsibilities will be from day one—and if there are any details or issues that need ironing out before starting work, now is certainly better than later for those discussions!


The process of recruitment is a long and complicated one, but it is important to remember that each step in the process can make or break your chances of finding the right candidate. For example, if you are not using a recruiter or agency to help out with sourcing talent then this can take up valuable time with no guarantee of success at the end! So be sure before starting this process that all stages have been carefully planned out so as not get stuck at any point along them!

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